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Livestock Rules


The Borderway UK Dairy Expo will be subject to the National UK Rules and Regulations for showing Dairy Cattle (for full details, please refer to our website –

ANIMAL WELFARE It is the responsibility of each exhibitor for the welfare of the animals entered for competition in the Borderway UK Dairy Expo classes. If, in the opinion of the Official Stewards and/or Official Veterinary Surgeon, any animal is mistreated, or presented for judging in anything other than an approved state, then that exhibitor will be barred from presenting any of his animals for judging, and all prize money will be withheld. If any animal requires hypodermic injection or artificial stimulant for any reason whatsoever the veterinary officer or failing, the chief steward must be informed before the action takes place and must be witness to the action. Any exhibitor or his representative found to be using methods which could be construed as malpractice will, along with his animals, be removed from the show site immediately, and all prize money withheld. Exhibitors in any doubt about what constitutes malpractice should consult the Official Stewards. All animals may be subject to tests and exhibitors may be asked to present a veterinary certificate. The Stewards appointed by the Borderway UK Dairy Expo will be doing all they can to ensure the well-being of exhibitors and animals, and ask for the co-operation of exhibitors.

1. Registration/Milk Recording All breeds will be exhibited under their Breed Society Conditions. All dairy cattle must be registered in the Herd Book or be in the grading-up appendices to the Herd Book of the appropriate Breed Society. Animals entered in the Ayrshire classes must be at least 51% Ayrshire breeding and be registered with the Ayrshire Cattle Society in appendix B, A or Pedigree sections, any Black and White animals to be fully pedigree Ayrshire. All animals for the Red & White classes must be Red & White in colour. Animals with a questionable hair coat colour will be referred to a representative of the UK Dairy Expo.

2. Records Pedigree Certificates and cattle passports must accompany the animals to the Borderway Centre and must be available for inspection by the stewards at any time. Movement off and onto the exhibitors holding should be notified to the British Cattle Movement Service within 3 days of the movement and recorded in the holding of origins movement books. The show organisers are responsible for notifying BCMS of movements onto and off the Borderway Centre.

3. Biosecurity Exhibitors are required under legislation to cleanse and disinfect transport vehicles that have carried stock as soon as possible and in any case within 24 hours. Robust footwear should be worn which is capable of being disinfected at the show.

4. Arrival of Cattle Dairy cattle will only be admitted to the Borderway site between – 12noon and 6.00pm on Thursday 10th March and between 7.00am and 9.00am on Friday 11th March

5. Departure of Cattle Cattle will be permitted to leave the Borderway site at the close of the Borderway UK Dairy Expo – from 5.00pm until 8pm on Saturday 12th March. All cattle must be removed by 10am on Sunday 13th March. Any movement outwith these hours can only be made with the approval of the Organisers. Prize money will be withheld if these conditions are not met

 6. Veterinary Inspection/Services All cattle will be subject to veterinary inspection on entering and at any time in the Borderway Centre, if requested by the Veterinary Surgeon or Chief Steward. Any veterinary services will be paid for by the exhibitor.

7. Stalling Exhibitors will be permitted to use their stall space for the presentation of information and publicity material relating to the animals present or herd represented, but may not in any circumstances advertise on behalf of a third party. Under no circumstances should the stalling be dismantled or altered in any way.

8. Straw A limited amount of straw will be provided, additional straw may be purchased.

9. Head Boards Only official headboards supplied with completed information from the Organisers may be used.

10. Milking Facilities Milking facilities will be on site at the Borderway Centre. Milk produced becomes the property of the Organiser and no direct payment will be made to exhibitors.

11. Electrical Equipment It is a condition of entry that all exhibitors should provide and use circuit breakers with all electrical equipment. All electrical equipment – no matter how small – must have a current PAT (Portable Appliance Test) Certificate. These certificates must be available for inspection on the day prior to the Borderway UK Dairy Expo; they may also be required for inspection by the City of Carlisle Council officials.

12. Entries and Entry Fees Exhibitors are solely responsible for the accuracy and eligibility of their entries. Please ensure all entry fees are paid prior to the show Exhibitors must abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Borderway UK Dairy Show, and must also observe the Rules of the appropriate Breed Society. Only in exceptional circumstances will entry fees be refunded.

13. Interpretation of Rules The decision of the Organisers and Chief Steward are in all matters final. The organiser reserves the right to refuse entries or to reject any animal.

Exhibitors must abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Borderway UK Dairy Expo. Full set of rules and regulations for showing Dairy Cattle, please refer to our